Sheffield council tables fireworks discussion

The Sheffield City Council opted to continue its discussion about the town’s firework policies at a later date after being unable to reach a decision on the topic during the July 10 meeting.

Currently, Sheffield only allows firework use after residents apply for a permit, which must be approved by the city council in advance. Although recent changes to Iowa state law legalized the sale and use of fireworks without a permit during certain times of the year around the Fourth of July and New Year’s Day, the law also left it up to individual counties and towns to decide whether or not they wanted to adopt the new regulations. Leading up to this year’s Fourth of July, no changes were made to Sheffield’s existing firework policy.

Sheffield resident Doug Goldman, of 505 Maple St., presented to the council during the July 10 meeting, and expressed concern about the unpermitted use of fireworks that occurred in town over the Fourth of July holiday.

Read the full article in the July 20 edition of the papers.

Sheffield Press & Pioneer Enterprise

The Sheffield Press
305 Gilman Street
PO Box 36
Sheffield, IA 50475
Phone:  641-456-2585

The Pioneer Enterprise
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Phone:  641.456.2585

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